
scalapack功能 结构分析

2009年7月29日 阅读(320)

http://netlib.org/scalapack/scalapack_install.pdf 其中的2.4 Run the PBLAS Test Suite
Testing instructions with MPICH on a network of workstations
Then, to run the executable, you will use the command mpirun. For example,
      mpirun -np <number of processes> <executable>
    where <executable> is replaced by xspblas1tst, and so on. If the network of work-
stations is heterogeneous, you will need to specify the -p4pg option and supply a text file
containing the names of the machines and the locations of the executables to which you will
spawn tasks. Refer to the mpirun manpage for complete details.

mpirun 与mpiexec是不同的,使用mpiexec可以在一个机器上运行多个进程,mpirun则失败
duanple@duanple-desktop:~$ mpirun -n 2 ./xclu
totalnum=2  numhosts=1
there are not enough hosts on which to start all processes
duanple@duanple-desktop:~$ mpiexec -n 2 ./xclu
ScaLAPACK Ax=b by LU factorization.
‘MPI Machine’                                                                 

Tests of the parallel complex single precision LU factorization and solve.
The following scaled residual checks will be computed:
 Solve residual  

/bin/sh: ./testlsame:无法执行二进制文件
/bin/sh: ./testslamch:无法执行二进制文件
进行测试,就不太容易了。所以需要直接早cell平台上编译好lapack scalapack,然后拷贝到intel的集成开发工具里供使用。

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